KEGS team 2011 returns
The KEGS team 2011 returning from Kenya all said they had what could be described as 'a trip of a lifetime.'
Experiencing the culture, country and people was something not to be forgotten. The first few days were spent at New Hope Children's centre where the students were amazed at the amount Anne managed to achieve with not only the children in her care at the orphanage but also in the wider community especially amongst the grandmothers.
After 2 days with Anne the team moved on to Kericho, stopping at Centre of Hope on the way to spend time with some of Mogonjet past students who were currently studying at the centre. On day 4 Mogonjet Students overwhelmed the KEGS group with their greeting. The school were busy with exams when the team arrived but not wanting to waste any time the team set about the task of painting some of the outside of the school buildings despite hot weather conditions. The remaining days were mostly spent with the secondary school students taking some varied lessons and broadening some of their horizons.
Overall the KEGS team found happiness in the people they met despite some of their difficult circumstances. The team came back inspired to raise further funds to enable the school to achieve more and with the hope that one day they would be able to return.