JJCT Uganda
Lives impacted by the work of JJ Community Transformation (u)

Thomas* requested to join Senior Two at JJ Vocational School was launched in 2014. He didn't have the means to pay the fees, so he offered help around the compound during holidays and term time. The college accepted his offer, and in return, he was allowed to enrol onto a course with food and accommodation provided free of charge. In 2017 he graduated from Senior Four with good grades and went on to train as a primary school teacher. He now works as a teacher at JJ's Primary School contributing towards the education of four cousins with the salary he receives from the school.
*Names have been changed to safeguard the children in the story.
Currently serving 811 young people (2023)
Age range: 4-25
Partner since: 2007
Project Description
JJ Community Transformation (U) (JJCT) started in 2007, intending to work with the local community to provide quality education to children and young people in this rural area of Bushenyi. They now offer a fully operational primary school, a secondary school offering classes for Senior 1-6, and a vocational college offering certificate and diploma courses.
Up to now, Hand in Hand supporters have assisted both schools providing books, uniforms, furniture and primary teacher salaries, as well as sourcing funding for construction projects including classrooms and the vocational training block within the secondary school. They were also responsible for part funding for JJ Excel College renovations.
Current hopes are for expansion of facilities within the secondary school as well as to complete dormitories and build more classrooms to accommodate more children.
For more information on JJ conect to their website.
Core Services
Primary School
The neediest local children are selected to enrol at the primary school. Parents make modest contributions to the running costs where they can, but donors meet most of the school's costs.
Secondary School
Although the school charges fees, it is the cheapest secondary school in the area providing quality secondary education. There is also a vocational department where students can get a taster in fields like construction, carpentry and tailoring. Some boarding is offered for students in their examination years. School buildings are still under development.
JJ Excel College
This vocational training college was purchased in 2018. Since that time it has been under-going refurbishment and is providing various courses giving local students the opportunity to boost their chances of employment.
In 2023 enrolment had increased to 101 and in November 2023 the first graduation ceremony took place to celebrate the students' achievements.
We require (£)
to complete a dormitory for students
JJCT (U) hope that in the future secondary and JJ Excel training will be able to reach the point where they are self-sustaining and able to provide some scholarships.
Tea and banana crops are grown at the primary school to produce a small amount of income.